A meeting with Ra, the former CEO of Paul Pierce.
Some of the clothes before the fire.
The warehouse was guarded during the arson investigation.
You could still see some of the burnt clothes from the street.
The only way to access the warehouse was by water.
So I rowed down the river at night.
Stashed the boat...
...and snuck in from the back.
The place looked like a war zone.
All night long I combed through the piles.
Hoping not to wake the guard.
I decided to keep this one for myself.
I found some cool fabric with The Constitution printed on it.
I went back several times with friends.
We bagged up the clothes and rowed them back up the river.
My friend, Jude Hughes helped me remove the burnt beams from the warehouse.
It was a real dirty job.
The giant beams were made from American Chestnut. Now extinct.
I used them to make shelves for clothing and a cat walk.
A meeting with Ra, the former CEO of Paul Pierce.
Some of the clothes before the fire.
The warehouse was guarded during the arson investigation.
You could still see some of the burnt clothes from the street.
The only way to access the warehouse was by water.
So I rowed down the river at night.
Stashed the boat...
...and snuck in from the back.
The place looked like a war zone.
All night long I combed through the piles.
Hoping not to wake the guard.
I decided to keep this one for myself.
I found some cool fabric with The Constitution printed on it.
I went back several times with friends.
We bagged up the clothes and rowed them back up the river.
My friend, Jude Hughes helped me remove the burnt beams from the warehouse.
It was a real dirty job.
The giant beams were made from American Chestnut. Now extinct.
I used them to make shelves for clothing and a cat walk.